Rolec introduces EV GroupManager System


Rolec has announced the launch of its new EV GroupManager system, which has been designed to provide full management control of private electric vehicle (EV) charging networks.

The system aims to allow the operator to easily manage their private EV charging network from a single central computerised location.

It operates by issuing nominated EV drivers with their own secure personal RFID card, containing the driver/vehicle ID, which can be presented at the charging point and authenticated via GPRS. Upon authorisation from the management cloud, charging will commence with the cloud recording the ID, charging start time, the kWh used and the charging end time.

The charging information is hosted in the cloud and can be accessed at anytime by the system operator to compile management reports, data and billing information. 

Kieron Alsop, Rolec’s managing director, commented: “EV GroupManager has been designed to enable private enterprises to have full control over their own private EV charging network and is ideally suited to almost any corporate location - or for housing developments, fleet management, staff vehicles, etc.

“The introduction of EV GroupManager eliminates the necessity to engage with the public facing charging networks, which are heavily subscription based and operated via third parties. In effect EV GroupManager gives the operator complete control over their own EV charging network and provides them with the flexibility to accommodate both their own, and their EV drivers’, charging needs.”

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