Arval launches SMaRT consultancy to support fleets energy transition


Arval will be launching a fleet consultancy approach called SMaRT - Sustainable Mobility and Responsibility Targets - to help clients define and implement their fleet energy transition strategy.

Recent Arval research showed that 59 per cent of companies are making CO2 emissions a priority in their car policies and the SMaRT methodology is designed to satisfy the changing needs of fleet managers.

The SMaRT approach follows five steps:

Step 1: The initial step allows clients to define their future mobility and fleet ambitions, benchmarking against their peers as well as getting advice from Arval consultants on their specific mobility and fleet profiles and potential strategies going forward.

Step 2: This consists of assessing the current fleet against CSR-oriented key performance indicators in order to determine the right replacement strategies for each vehicle. Conventional reporting tools are used for this purpose, enriched with CSR data.

Step 3: Arval has designed and developed a brand new SMaRT calculator, which combines driver profiling to find the best match with a powertrain type from an energy perspective, subsequently looking at CSR and TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

Step 4: This step is about opening the debate on alternative mobility options that could work for the client.

Step 5: The final step of the cycle is about measuring progress achieved towards initial ambitions, allowing the set-up of transition roadmaps. It also means that the cycle can be repeated by returning to Step 1.