Ride-hailing app Gett delivers carbon neutral rides


Black cab ride-hailing app Gett has launched an initiative to offer carbon neutral rides.

London’s black cab customers will have the opportunity to ride ‘carbon positive’ by paying 20p extra per ride. These additional funds will be donated to the 12 central London schools identified in the Mayor of London’s school air quality audit programme.

The company is also offsetting 7,500 tonnes of CO2 - the amount it is expected to produce in the following 12 months - by investing in accredited carbon reduction projects provided by Carbon Clear, the climate and sustainability consultants.

The company will be investing in a Wind Power Generation project in India that displaces the burning of fossil fuels, and the Madre de Dios Project in the Peruvian Amazon that dramatically reduces deforestation.
In further efforts to reduce the carbon output from its black-cab rides, Gett is continuously supporting the adoption of LEVC TX Electric Taxis in London, Coventry, Edinburgh and Glasgow, for example through reduced commission schemes for cab drivers using the Gett app. These are the first fully-certified electric taxis to be introduced to the streets of the UK, in a pledge to reduce pollution levels in the dangerously contaminated air. As Gett works with cities existing infrastructure, it does not add any extra vehicles to the UK’s already congested streets. Through shared, electric black cabs, Gett is supporting efforts to improve mobility in UK cities by reducing the number of vehicles on the road, and therefore also pollution levels in the UK.